3 Recommended 4 Room BTO Kitchen Design Ideas in Singapore 2021

16 Jul, 2021

We can’t deny the fact that sometimes we need a new look for our surroundings in our 4 Room BTO or landed property. Certain house corners such as the kitchen and dining room will give a great impact to our daily activity, so performing a kitchen renovation is recommended. You can look for a Singapore kitchen design that could inspire you to have a brand new look for your kitchen and dining area!

Are you new to HDB renovation stuff and have no idea where to start? Don’t worry! You can always hire a professional interior designer from Sheinterior. If you are looking for a 4 Room BTO renovation package, Sheinterior will provide one with an affordable cost. Not only that, we will also assure you to have the best house interior with our furniture design & color matching!

Before renovating your 4 Room BTO kitchen, there are several things you need to know. Down below, we have compiled them for you!


How Big is a 4-Room BTO?

interior design certification

House plan, tools, color palette and coffee; Shutterstock ID 1323162632; Purchase Order (valid Channel 5 PO only): –

The initial step to do a renovation for a whole 4-Room BTO is you need to know how big is the size of your BTO. An average size of a 4 Room BTO is about 90 square meters with 3 bedrooms, living/dining area, kitchen and common bathroom. The accurate measurement of the 4 room BTO floor plan will ease you in starting your renovation.


How Much is a 4 Room Balance BTO Cost?

home renovation

Next thing to note is the cost of a brand new 4 room BTO. The cost balance of a 4 room BTO is ranging from $25,000 to $80,000 depending on how big the size and how advanced the design of the interior. The bigger the size and the more advanced, the higher amount of money you have to pay.


How Much Does It Cost to Renovate a 4-room BTO Flat?

interior design or graphic designer renovation and technology concept – woman working with color samples for selection.

If you’re planning on renovating your 4-Room BTO flat, it is important to note that budgeting is on the top list. Maintaining a budget for your renovation can be very overwhelming, but what else can you do? You just can’t avoid that, for sure.

Before you look for  4 room BTO renovation ideas, you need to know how much a 4-room BTO renovation costs. The average cost for performing a 4 room BTO renovation is $42,600 for a new flat and $58,500 for a resale flat.


4 Room BTO Kitchen Design Ideas

Kitchen Cabinet Design


After knowing the fundamental aspects of a 4 room HDB BTO renovation, now we will present a list of 4 room BTO kitchen design for you to perform on your kitchen renovation!


Open Kitchen

Who says that 4 room BTO homeowners can’t have an open kitchen due to the minimal space that the HDB has? Nothing is impossible! A 4 room BTO open kitchen design has always been a good idea for BTO owners. An open kitchen concept will give you a better air circulation and also will present you with a space-maximising at its finest!


One-tone Kitchen Parts

Visually aesthetic kitchen is proven to increase your mood to a higher level! Matching colors between the wall and a kitchen cabinet will simply give your kitchen a better look! You can also install other kitchen parts with similar tones!


Kitchen + Dining Area, Why Not?

The concept of kitchen and dining area assimilation is not only to save some spaces, but also to give you a smoother flow of the traffic around the area. You will not have to go back and forth when preparing breakfast for your family because the dining room is already in your kitchen!


Sheinterior For Your 4-Room BTO Needs!

As the homeowners of a 4-room BTO, it must be very confusing for you in terms of renovation. There are a lot of things you need to do before performing a renovation such as finding the proper interior designer for you. You have come to the right place because Sheinterior is the best choice for your interior needs! With site-coordination and supervision, we will assure you to make your dream home come true! Come and visit us at 21 Woodlands, Singapore!

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