How Much Do Commercial Interior Designers Charge 2021? and Tips Through It!

7 Jun, 2021

Do you own a restaurant, commercial office, or other public places in Singapore? Do they need renovations or new upgrades to serve the purposes better? Who does not like their offices to be marvellous? If that is the case, then, you need a commercial office interior design Singapore! A good office design in Singapore is able to improve your inspiration!

commercial interior design firms singapore

An office renovation Singapore will allow you to see the bigger picture of the purpose while remodeling it with a touch of sophisticated interior design. Research has been made that working in a well-organized and perfectly designed office can give the employees more imaginations, comfortable feelings, and boost productivity.


Say no more to an ordinary office! With Sheinterior, you will obtain a commercial office design that is designed based on your fascination. Sheinterior is here to provide you with a professional design consultation.


How Much Do Commercial Interior Designers Charge?

home renovation

To become a commercial interior designer, it might sound similar to a regular interior designer who specifically designs homes, HDB flats, or condos. However, there is a little difference between the two.


Home interior designers probably charge you for $75 to $125, depending on how skilled and experienced they are. Otherwise, commercial office interior designers probably charge you $50 to $200. Basically, some of them prefer to be paid per square foot, ranging $5 to $15. This happens because they calculate the profit that can result higher.


Let’s Know More About Commercial Office Interior Design Singapore!

Perhaps, you think too much of whether to hire a commercial interior designer or not. But, what you should concern about first is to understand the definition and their job descriptions. This will help you determine the further step in order to bring your office to the next level.


Maybe, at the end, you end up confused about choosing the interior designs for your office and start to contact office interior design company Singapore? Remember that Sheinterior is always here anytime you need us!


Well, let’s check this information to know more!


Is There Any Difference Between Interior Decorators and Interior Designers?

Interior decorators give you recommendations on colour and furnishings after the construction is done. Whereas interior designers focus on planning the layout and function of the structure.


How Can I Prepare to Work With an Interior Designer or Decorator?

After hiring an interior designer or interior decorator, you must have much time to discuss every little detail of designs that you wish to be applied to your office or commercial places. Next, you need to set your own budget.


As much as work you want the interior designers to do, you also need to customize it with your savings. But, Sheinterior is here for you! Especially if you need some design consultation with affordable prices, Sheinterior will discuss the budget planning with you!


Lastly, you have to be in charge from the beginning to the finish. Make sure you share your ideas right away to the interior designers, so they will eventually plan everything for you.


Should an Interior Designer Have a License?

Truthfully, yes. Interior designers need a degree from an excellent institution.


What Makes a Commercial Interior Design Service Reliable?


A commercial interior design service needs experienced and professional members of the team. Experts should always be able to handle their job descriptions such as choosing colour, layout, lighting, or decorative stuff that can work with a certain office and space that you have.


The team members also need to create a long-lasting image. They will deliver the message behind each design into your office, based on the characteristics you wish to own. That is why they can provide professional and reliable consultation as well.


In the decision-making process, you can be involved by giving several ideas in mind and letting them do the work. While doing that, they must understand the way to create an ideal budget planning that is balanced with things needed for interior designing.


Best Commercial Interior Design Companies in Singapore

Here are the three best commercial renovation interior design companies that are located in Singapore. Be ready to be amazed!


Singapore Office and Retail Design Consultants (SORDC)

SORDC can design, supervise, and execute the project from the start to the end. They do not only offer design, but also build planning, consultancy, regulation submission, project management, and more.


Green Pte Ltd

Gren Pte Ltd gives you innovative solutions for the interior design for your office. One of their missions is to transform your office environment better. This way, they do it by having a project assessment, analyzing and applying the latest trends for the interior design, and doing the finishing.



Last but not least, meet the finest office interior designer in Woodlands Close Singapore, Sheinterior! We propose space planning, give you detailed perspective drawings, and more. Contact us now!

You can get a commercial renovation Singapore whenever you need to upgrade your office or any public places into a more awesome building! The things you need to consider is to choose carefully the design you want and the interior designer company. Then, read the rate that other people gave to each interior designer firm. And, do not skip Sheinterior!


Sheinterior: One and Only, Interior Designer in Singapore That Will Turn Your Office Inspirational!

Sheinterior is here to help all of your business needs to result in an optimal outcome. With our experienced team members, we assure you that you receive the best quality of work which can turn your office into a more comfortable place. Check our previous projects that might become your next inspiration for your own office interior design!

Let’s Chat With Us


1 North Coast Ave #04-10 Singapore 737663

+65 9484 1863

+65 9484 1863

2018 - 2024 SHE Interior Design Pte Ltd (201801974 M)

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